Sunday, December 4, 2011

A month for Birthdays and Homecoming!

December 2011 is the month for birthday's and homecoming! This month I will celebrate my 45th birthday, my son, Jacob, will celebrate his 21st birthday and will return home on the 17th after attending a semester at the American University in Washington, DC. I'm excited to hear about his adventures in our nation's capitol and his intership in Congresswoman's Gabrielle Gifford's office.

Pin Cushion Swap

This month I am participating in the guild's Christmas pin cushion swap. Our task is to make a pin cushion  - one we would love to use in  our own sewing room. I spent several days surfing the web and pinterest for ideas and finally decided on two patterns.

One is a dressform and the other is a two-tier cake. I absolutely love both of these pin cushions and do not know which one I will include in the swap. I found tutorials for both of the pin cushions at